JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


Checking Conformance a Protocol description

Conformance checking functionality has been temporarily removed from this
release, although an improved implementation should be provided in the near
future, and therefore the command infrastructure has remained for now.

The conforms command takes two parameters, which are
both paths to a file containing a protocol description. The first parameter
is the protocol description to be checked for conformance against the
second parameter's protocol description. So the second parameter is the
reference protocol description.

For example, if the user is in the top level folder of the Scribble tools distribution,
without the bin folder being added to the system path, then the
following command can be executed to check one of the sample protocol descriptions
as being conformant with another reference protocol description:

bin/conforms.sh samples/models/conformance_descriptions/OrderProcess.spr samples/models/conformance_descriptions/ReferenceOrderProcess.spr

If you inspect the two process definitions, you will find one difference. The
first protocol definition has the following interaction:

	MyOrder from Buyer to Seller;

The second, reference protocol description, has the following interaction:

	Order from Buyer to Seller;

This results in the following conformance error message:

ERROR: Type mismatch with referenced description, was expecting Order
JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:37:59 UTC, last content change 2011-05-24 08:38:26 UTC.